Removal From (or Inclusion In) the Mailing ListIf you would prefer not to receive email notifications about new releases, you can fill in this form to ask to be removed from my mailing list. (If you have previously asked to be removed from the mailing list and wish to be put back on, you can use this form for that, too: just select the Add to list option on the form).For security reasons (so that random people can't guess email addresses and cause mischief), you will need to supply your unlock ID or KEY as well as your currently registered email address. The difference between your unlock ID (usually based on your name) and KEY (a long string of letters and digits) has caused confusion for some users, so the form now accepts either. If you don't know your unlock ID, you can find it by looking at Volume Balancer's main window: the caption at the top includes "Registered to xxxx", where "xxxx" is your unlock ID.
If you are unsure about the email address I have registered for you, and an attempt to use this form does not work, then it will be necessary to email me. |