Wave Repair Logo Wave
last update: 16th Jan 2020

Freeware Mode
MP3 Samples


Block Copying

Some sections of damage, particularly those longer than a few dozen samples, are often best repaired by replacing them with a similar but undamaged block of waveform from nearby. Wave Repair has a number of facilities for copying over such blocks:
  • From one channel to the other.

    If the damage is on only one channel (this happens when only one wall of the groove is damaged) and the other channel is much the same, then copying the block over from the undamaged channel often works very well. This is especially useful when restoring mono records (provided you have recorded them in stereo).

  • Repeat the immediately preceding block.

    This is effectively the software equivalent of those old hardware descratcher modules that were available in the 1970s and 1980s. The block is replaced by what came just before, in the expectation that it will be similar to what is being replaced. Such an expectation should perhaps be regarded more as a hope, but the method can work very well in some circumstances.

  • Copy over an arbitrary block from elsewhere.

    Wave Repair has a facility known as "block overlay". Here, the damaged section to be replaced is highlighted and then an image of it can be moved around over the surrounding waveform, looking for a suitable replacement block. Having an image of the damaged block superimposed over the waveform allows a visual comparison to be easily made.

After copying a block, it may be slightly offset vertically, so there is a facility to "nudge" a block up or down to match its surroundings.

Example Screen Shots